Look at More Than Just Pricing When Selecting a Garage Door to Match Your Home

Everyone is mindful of money these days, so it’s not surprising that price is the chief factor for homeowners looking to buy a new garage door. At GDI Garage Doors, we understand the importance of your budget. However, we also believe there are considerations other than price that garage door shoppers should keep in mind.
Additional Factors to Consider before You Purchase
Let’s look at why price should not be the sole consideration when selecting a garage door for your home:
- A double or triple-car garage door is sizable. For many homes, it dominates the view of a residence from the curb or street. Why install a bland-looking door when you’ve worked so hard to make the rest of your home’s exterior attractive? Today, garage doors can be customized to precisely match the look of your home, or reflect any style you wish. GDI Garage Doors can help you create a custom garage door that turns heads. We’ll help you assemble all the elements that go into making a one-of-a kind door, including windows, textures, materials, finishes, hardware, and color.
- Heavily used garage doors can break down over time. Regular maintenance of the tracks and rollers helps, but doors of better quality generally need fewer repairs. Rollers made out of 100 percent plastic deteriorate faster than rollers with metal components. Installing heavier springs is a wise investment that can double the life of your garage door.
- Energy savings. Insulated doors moderate the temperatures inside your garage. On attached garages, an insulated door can help prevent the transference of heat or cold into your house. Insulated doors also allow you to work in your garage virtually year-round, and protect stored items from temperature extremes. Even in uninsulated garages with many gaps from which air escapes, insulated garage doors make a difference.
- Home value. Prospective homebuyers will notice an attractive garage door that complements your home’s exterior. As such, it’s a proven boost to the value of a house. In fact, remodeling experts often cite garage door replacement as having among the highest returns on initial investment of any renovation project.
- Installation matters. Competent installation of your garage door is vital to worry-free operation, regardless of the cost of the door. Before deciding on a price, hire a reputable contractor to assist you in selecting your door and then installing it.
Customizing – Less Expensive than You Think
If “custom garage door” sounds exotic or expensive to you, it’s time you chatted with a GDI Garage Doors representative. You’ll discover that it costs relatively little to upgrade your garage door significantly. After it’s installed, you’ll be happy to know you looked at more than just pricing when selecting a garage door for your home.