How to Open Your Garage Door When the Power is Out
Are you afraid your garage door is stuck because the power is out? If your garage door is stuck closed during a power outage, and you need access fast, you’ve come to the right place. The pros at GDI Garage Doors can help you figure out how to open your garage door manually. Whether you’re trying to get your car out of the garage in a power outage or trying to pull into the safety of your garage from your driveway in a storm, we’ve got you covered.
Two Ways to Open Your Garage Door in a Power Outage
Modern garage doors always come equipped with an emergency release, allowing you to manually open the door.

How to open your garage door manually from inside the garage
Open any locks/latches surrounding your garage door that could interfere with manual operation. Unplug the garage door opener, cutting power to the system. Look for the red-handled emergency release cord. You’ll see it hanging from the center rail on the garage door track. Important! Only use this handle when the garage door is closed, or the weight of the door could cause it to come crashing down. Pull the cord, disconnecting the garage door from the trolley. You should now be able to operate your garage door manually. Lift the door carefully, ensuring it stays in place before releasing it. Be sure to close the door carefully after your vehicle is out. Under manual operation, garage doors are a danger to children and pets
How to open your garage door manually from outside the garage
Locate the small lock near the top of your garage door. This holds the emergency release cable and requires a key for access. Twist the key and pull out the lock tumbler to access the emergency release cord, triggering it to operate your door manually. Important! Only pull the cord to enable manual operation when the garage door is closed, or the weight of the door could cause it to come crashing down. You will also need to unlock the door at the lock below the emergency release kit. After it’s unlocked, turn the handle until it is vertical. Next, lift the door carefully by hand, ensuring it stays in place before releasing it. Be sure to close the door carefully once you’re inside the garage. Under manual operation, garage doors are a danger to children and pets.
Avoid the Stress of an Inoperable Garage Door with a Battery Backup
If you suffer through frequent power outages or prefer to avoid manual operation, it may be time to consider upgrading your garage door opener to a newer model with a battery backup. Garage door openers equipped with a battery backup allow you to enter or exit your garage without the hassle of manual operation. They function even when the power is out, including the keypad and safety sensors, ensuring trouble-free use.
Knowing how to open your garage door when the power is out is helpful, but what about solving other garage door issues?
We can get you back in action fast with garage door repairs in Alameda, Antioch, Hercules, Richmond, San Pablo, and Concord from GDI Garage Doors.